This post is all about post-graduation options for DRU
students (Could I go as far as to say career options...?).
Lets keep going with the comments:
Ladies, which captioned situation would you choose if you
were graduating from DRU?
Gentlemen, for which of these captions would you like to be a
male employee or customer?
I once again look forward to your comments, they feed my
ideas for future posts.
See below for a bit about the 300th caption (I don't normally write between the captions, so don't miss it!)
Below is my 300th caption, I only realised this post would hit 300 when I was about to upload it. I re-arranged the order to make this the 300th caption, its my favourite of the set, I thinks its a combination of the caption, the outfit she is wearing, and the institutional, important building, type background.
Thank you all for your comments and feedback, having fans makes captioning a lot more fun and easier to do!