Thursday 21 August 2014

Captions 472-473: ODD

1 comment:

  1. Anon -

    Another nice set of personal ads. I really enjoy the way you manage to cram so much story into so few words with these. You really get a feel for the women in each posting.

    You just know the 18 year old is about to step into a wider world she has no real comprehension of. She may be about to have her horizons expanded and start onto a grand new plane of existence, or she might just suffer at the hands of her own foolishness. Either way, her life is about to never be the same.

    You can completely understand the second woman. She will use you to her own ends. You are a cock, nothing more. She been here and done everything before. She doesn't care who you are, you are just another cock to be satisfied so she can get her orgasm. She may be the one locked in a belt, but she is driving her own destiny.

    Both have their appeal, and both make the reader want to peruse the possible pay-for options to let you take partial control of their belts for different reasons. You want to "interact" with these women.

    Well done.
